OTPublisherKitSettings Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in OTPublisherKit.h


Defines settings to be used when initializing a publisher using the [OTPublisherKit initWithDelegate:settings:] method.

Defining publisher settings


The name of the publisher video. The [OTStream name] property for a stream published by this publisher will be set to this value (on all clients). The default value is nil.

@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSString *name

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Whether to publish audio (YES, the default) or not (NO).

@property (nonatomic) BOOL audioTrack


If this property is set to NO, the audio subsystem will not be initialized for the publisher, and setting the [OTPublisherKit publishAudio] property will have no effect. If your application does not require the use of audio, it is recommended to set this Builder property rather than use the [OTPublisherKit publishAudio] property, which only temporarily disables the audio track.

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Whether to publish video (YES, the default) or not (NO).

@property (nonatomic) BOOL videoTrack


If this property is set to NO, the video subsystem will not be initialized for the publisher, and setting the [OTPublisherKit publishVideo] property will have no effect. If your application does not require the use of video, it is recommended to set this Builder property rather than use the [OTPublisherKit publishVideo] property, which only temporarily disables the video track.

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The desired bitrate for the published audio, in bits per second. The supported range of values is 6,000 - 510,000. (Invalid values are ignored.) Set this value to enable high-quality audio (or to reduce bandwidth usage with lower-quality audio).

@property (nonatomic) int audioBitrate


The following are recommended settings:

  • 8,000 - 12,000 for narrowband (NB) speech
  • 16,000 - 20,000 for wideband (WB) speech
  • 28,000 - 40,000 for full-band (FB) speech
  • 48,000 - 64,000 for full-band (FB) mono music
  • 64,000 - 128,000 for full-band (FB) stereo music

The default value is 40,000.

To set other audio settings, see the OTAudioDeviceManager interface.

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Whether to enable Opus DTX (YES) or not (NO, the default). Enabling Opus DTX can reduce bandwidth usage in streams that have long periods of silence.

@property (nonatomic) BOOL enableOpusDtx

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Whether to allow use of scalable video for a publisher that has the videoType set to OTStreamVideoTypeScreen (YES) or not (NO, the default).

@property (nonatomic) BOOL scalableScreenshare

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Whether the stream will use the subscriber audio-fallback feature (YES) or not (NO), for subscribers to the published stream. The subscriber audio-fallback feature is available in sessions that use the the OpenTok Media Router. With the subscriber audio-fallback feature enabled, when the OpenTok Media Router determines that a stream’s quality has degraded significantly for a specific subscriber, it disables the video in that subscriber in order to preserve call quality.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL subscriberAudioFallbackEnabled


The default setting is YES (the audio-fallback feature is enabled) for publishers using the camera. When using the screen video type in a session that uses the OpenTok Media Server, the subscriber audio-fallback property is set to NO by default, so that the video does not drop out in subscribers.

For more information, see [OTPublisherKit videoType], [OTSubscriberKitDelegate subscriberVideoDisabled:reason:], OTSubscriberVideoEventReason, the OpenTok Media Router.

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Whether the stream will use the publisher audio-fallback feature (YES) or not (NO). With the publisher audio-fallback feature enabled, when the Publisher determines that a stream’s quality has degraded significantly, it disables the video in in order to preserve call quality.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL publisherAudioFallbackEnabled


The default setting is NO (the audio-fallback feature is disabled).

For more information, see [OTPublisherKit videoType], [OTPublisherKitDelegate publisherVideoDisabled:reason:], OTPublisherVideoEventReason, the OpenTok Media Router.

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