OTPublisherKit Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in OTPublisherKit.h


A publisher captures an audio-video stream from the sources you specify. You can then publish the audio-video stream to an OpenTok session by sending the [OTSession publish:error:] message.

The OpenTok iOS SDK supports publishing on all multi-core iOS devices. See “Developer and client requirements” in the README file for the OpenTok iOS SDK.

Initializing a publisher

– initWithDelegate:

Initialize a publisher object and specify the delegate object.

- (nullable instancetype)initWithDelegate:(nullable id<OTPublisherKitDelegate>)delegate



The delegate (OTPublisherKitDelegate) object for the publisher.

Return Value

The pointer to the instance, or nil if initialization failed.


When running in the XCode iOS Simulator, this method returns nil.

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– initWithDelegate:settings:

Initialize the publisher with settings defined by an OTPublisherKitSettings object.

- (nullable instancetype)initWithDelegate:(nullable id<OTPublisherKitDelegate>)delegate settings:(nonnull OTPublisherKitSettings *)settings



The delegate (OTPublisherKitDelegate) object for the publisher.


The (OTPublisherKitSettings) object that defines settings for the publisher.

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– initWithDelegate:name:

Initialize a publisher object, and specify the delegate object and the stream’s name.

- (nullable instancetype)initWithDelegate:(nullable id<OTPublisherKitDelegate>)delegate name:(nullable NSString *)name



The delegate (OTPublisherKitDelegate) object for the publisher.


The name of the publisher video. The [OTStream name] property for a stream published by this publisher will be set to this value (on all clients).

Return Value

The pointer to the instance, or nil if initialization failed.


This method is deprecated. Use [OTPublisherKit initWithDelegate:settings:] instead.

When running in the XCode iOS Simulator, this method returns nil.

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– initWithDelegate:name:audioTrack:videoTrack:

Initialize the publisher, and specify whether audio and video will be enabled for this instance.

- (nullable instancetype)initWithDelegate:(nullable id<OTPublisherKitDelegate>)delegate name:(nullable NSString *)name audioTrack:(BOOL)audioTrack videoTrack:(BOOL)videoTrack



The delegate (OTPublisherKitDelegate) object for the publisher.


The name of the publisher video. The [OTStream name] property for a stream published by this publisher will be set to this value (on all clients).


Whether to publish audio (YES) or not (NO).


Whether to publish video (YES) or not (NO).


This method is deprecated. Use [OTPublisherKit initWithDelegate:settings:] instead.

If either audioTrack or videoTrack are set to NO, the respective subsystem will not be initialized, and setting the corresponding [OTPublisherKit publishAudio] and [OTPublisherKit publishVideo] properties will have no effect.

If your application does not require the use of audio or video, it is recommended to set these values rather than use the [OTPublisherKit publishAudio] and [OTPublisherKit publishVideo] properties, which only temporarily disable the tracks.

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Getting information about the publisher


The OTPublisherDelegate object, which is the delegate for the OTPublisher object.

@property (nonatomic, weak) id<OTPublisherKitDelegate> _Nullable delegate

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Periodically receives reports of audio levels for this publisher.

@property (nonatomic, weak) id<OTPublisherKitAudioLevelDelegate> _Nullable audioLevelDelegate


This is a separate delegate object from that set as the delegate property (the OTPublisherKitDelegate object).

If you do not set this property, the audio sampling subsystem is disabled.

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The OTPublisherKitNetworkStatsDelegate object that periodically receives publisher quality statistics.

@property (nonatomic, weak) id<OTPublisherKitNetworkStatsDelegate> _Nullable networkStatsDelegate


This delegate object is sent messages reporting the following:

  • Total audio and video packets lost
  • Total audio and video packets received
  • Total audio and video bytes received

This is a separate delegate object from that set as the [OTPublisherKit delegate] property (the OTPublisherKitDelegate object).

Also see [OTPublisherKit rtcStatsReportDelegate].

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The OTPublisherKitRtcStatsReportDelegate that reports RTC stats for the publisher. The [OTPublisherKitRtcStatsReportDelegate publisher:rtcStatsReport:] message is sent in reponse to calling the [OTPublisherKit getRtcStatsReport] method.

@property (nonatomic, weak) id<OTPublisherKitRtcStatsReportDelegate> _Nullable rtcStatsReportDelegate

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The session that owns this publisher.

@property (readonly) OTSession *session

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The OTStream object associated with the publisher.

@property (readonly) OTStream *stream

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A string that will be associated with this publisher’s stream. This string is displayed at the bottom of subscriber videos associated with the published stream, if an overlay to display the name exists.

@property (readonly) NSString *name


The name must be set at initialization, when you when you send the [OTPublisherKit initWithDelegate:settings:] message.

This value defaults to an empty string.

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– getRtcStatsReport

Gets the RTC stats report for the publisher. This is an asynchronous operation. Set the [OTPublisherKit rtcStatsReportDelegate] property and implement the [OTPublisherKitRtcStatsReportDelegate publisher:rtcStatsReport:] method prior to calling this method. When the stats are available, the implementation of the [OTPublisherKitRtcStatsReportDelegate publisher:rtcStatsReport:] message is sent.

- (void)getRtcStatsReport

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Controlling audio and video output for a publisher


Whether to publish audio.

@property (nonatomic) BOOL publishAudio


The default value is TRUE.

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Whether to publish video.

@property (nonatomic) BOOL publishVideo


The default value is TRUE.

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Whether to make captions active.

@property (nonatomic) BOOL publishCaptions


The default value is FALSE.

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Setting publisher device configuration


The OTVideoCapture instance used to capture video to stream to the OpenTok session.

@property (nonatomic, strong) id<OTVideoCapture> _Nullable videoCapture

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Specifies the type of video for the published stream.

@property (nonatomic, assign) OTPublisherKitVideoType videoType


Set this to one of the following values:

  • OTPublisherKitVideoTypeScreen — Optimizes the video encoding for screen sharing. To publish a screen-sharing stream, you need to implement a custom video capturer for the OTPublisherKit object. See [OTPublisherKit videoCapture]. It is recommended to use a low frame rate (5 frames per second or lower) with this video type. When using the screen video type in a session that uses the OpenTok Media Server, the [OTPublisherKit audioFallbackEnabled] property is set to NO by default; this disables the audio-only fallback feature, so that the video does not drop out in subscribers. See the OpenTok Media Router.

  • OTPublisherKitVideoTypeCamera — This is the default setting, which you should use when using a camera as the video source.

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The OTVideoRender instance used to render video to stream to the OpenTok session.

@property (nonatomic, strong) id<OTVideoRender> _Nullable videoRender

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Setting the audio-only fallback mode


Whether the stream will use the subscriber audio-fallback feature (YES) or not (NO). The audio-fallback feature is available in sessions that use the the OpenTok Media Router. With the audio-fallback feature enabled, when the OpenTok Media Router determines that a stream’s quality has degraded significantly for a specific subscriber, it disables the video in that subscriber in order to preserve call quality.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL audioFallbackEnabled


This method is deprecated. Use [OTPublisherKitSettings subscriberAudioFallbackEnabled] instead.

The default setting is YES (the audio-fallback feature is enabled) for publishers using the camera. To turn off the audio-fallback feature, set this property to NO before calling the [OTSession publish:error:] method. However, When using the screen video type in a session that uses the OpenTok Media Server, the audioFallbackEnabled property is set to NO by default; this disables the audio-only fallback feature, so that the video does not drop out in subscribers.

For more information, see [OTPublisherKit videoType], <[OTSubscriberKitDelegate subscriberVideoDisabled:reason:]>, OTSubscriberVideoEventReason, the OpenTok Media Router.

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Setting media transformers


Array of OTVideoTransformer in the order to be applied to the stream.

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *videoTransformers

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Array of OTAudioTransformer in the order to be applied to the stream.

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray *audioTransformers

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