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Changing the Base URL

If you want to point your API calls to an alternative endpoint (for geographical or local testing reasons this can be useful) try this:

package main

import (


func main() {

	auth := vonage.CreateAuthFromKeySecret(API_KEY, API_SECRET)
	smsClient := vonage.NewSMSClient(auth)
    smsClient.Config.BasePath = "http://localhost:4010"

	response, err := smsClient.Send("VonageGolang", "44777000777", "This is a message from golang", vonage.SMSOpts{})

	if err != nil {

	if response.Messages[0].Status == "0" {
		fmt.Println("Account Balance: " + response.Messages[0].RemainingBalance)

(The example above shows using the library with Prism, which we find useful at development time)

The fields for configuration are:

  • BasePath (shown in the example above) overrides where the requests should be sent to
  • DefaultHeader is a map, add any custom headers you need here
  • HTTPClient is a pointer to an httpClient if you need to change any networking settings

Handling Date Fields

Many of our APIs use dates but they come from the API as strings that Go understands as RFC3339 format. Convert to a Go time object with something like:

	start_time, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, response.StartTime)

You can then go ahead and use the time object as you usually would.