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Version: 5.1.3

Enumeration: PipelineInfoData

PipelineInfolData. Life cycle information of insertable streams pipeline.

Enumeration Members


pipeline_ended = "pipeline_ended"

Notify the app that the pipeline has ended.


pipeline_ended_with_error = "pipeline_ended_with_error"

Notify the app that the pipeline has ended with an error.


pipeline_started = "pipeline_started"

Notify the app that the pipeline has started.


pipeline_started_with_error = "pipeline_started_with_error"

Notify the app that the pipeline has started with an error.


pipeline_restarted = "pipeline_restarted"

Notify the app that the pipeline has restarted. This message is fired after changing track in the middle of the process. For example switching camera source.


pipeline_restarted_with_error = "pipeline_restarted_with_error"

Notify the app that the pipeline has restarted with an error. This message is fired after changing track in the middle of the process. For example switching camera source.