OpenTok Windows SDK
Classes | Enumerations | Functions
OpenTok Namespace Reference


struct  AudioData
 Defines several parameters related to an audio sample batch. More...
class  AudioDevice
 A class that includes methods for setting the audio device to be used by publishers and subscribers. More...
class  AudioDeviceSettings
 Defines the settings retrieved from the IAudioDevice.GetAudioCapturerSettings() and IAudioDevice.GetAudioRendererSettings() methods. More...
class  AudioTransformer
 Defines an audio transformation to be used in the Publisher.AudioTransformers array. More...
class  Capabilities
 Defines values for the Capabilities property of a Session object, based on the role assigned to the token used to connect to the session. More...
class  Connection
 Represents a connection between a client and an OpenTok session. More...
class  Context
 Used to manage resources for Session, Publisher, and Subscriber objects. More...
class  DedicatedWorkerDispatcher
 Implementation of IDispatcher that uses a dedicated worker thread to deliver events. Available for all application types. Delivery order is guaranteed. CPU-intensive or long-running tasks can be executed in the handlers, as the dedicated thread is not used for any other purpose. UI can't be manipulated directly in the handlers. If this is required, events must be scheduled first to the UI thread. More...
class  DirectDispatcher
 Implementation of IDispatcher that doesn't schedule events at all. It uses the same thread used by the lower layer to deliver events. Available for all application types. Delivery order is guaranteed. CPU-intensive or long-running tasks should not be executed in the handlers, as they would block the native API main thread and affect performance or responsiveness. UI can't be manipulated directly in the handlers. If this is required, events must be scheduled first to the UI thread. More...
interface  IAudioDevice
 Defines an Audio device to be used by all publishers and subscribers. More...
class  IceConfig
 A class for setting custom ICE configuration. More...
struct  IceServer
 Defines the object to add to the List for the CustomIceServers property of the IceConfig class. More...
interface  ICustomAudioTransformer
 Interface used to define a custom audio transformer to be used in the AudioTransformer(string name, ICustomAudioTransformer transformer) constructor. More...
interface  ICustomVideoTransformer
 Interface used to define a custom vidoe transformer to be used in used in the VideoTransformer.VideoTransformer(string name, ICustomVideoTransformer transformer) constructor. More...
interface  IDispatcher
 Interface for a class used by Session, Publisher, and Subscriber instances to schedule events to a different thread. More...
interface  IVideoCapturer
interface  IVideoFrameConsumer
 Defines a video frame consumer to be used by the VideoCapturer of a Publisher. More...
interface  IVideoRenderer
 Defines a video renderer to be used by a Publisher or Subscriber object. More...
class  Logger
 Helper class that allows setting log level used by the SDK optionally providing a custom callback for log handling. This class provides a safer way manage native logging than directly invoking the native C API via DllImport. WARNING: DO call Disable() before closing the application to avoid closing exceptions.
class  MMAudioDevice
 Custom audio device implementation based on mmdeviceapi. This custom audio device can be used instead of the default internal audio device provided by OpenTok.AudioDevice. More...
class  OpenTokException
 Defines errors thrown by the OpenTok Windows SDK. More...
class  Publisher
 A publisher captures an audio-video stream from the sources you specify. More...
class  Session
 Represents an OpenTok session in which the client is participating. More...
class  Stream
 Represents the state of an audio-video stream in an OpenTok session. To get the most updated information, use the Stream property of a Publisher or Subscriber before accessing any of the properties of the stream. More...
class  Subscriber
 Used to consume an audio-video stream in the OpenTok session. More...
class  ThreadPoolDispatcher
 Implementation of IDispatcher that uses different threads from the managed ThreadPool to deliver events. Available for all application types. Important: Delivery order is not guaranteed. CPU-intensive or long-running tasks can be executed in the handlers, as the underlying thread system is prepared to handle this. UI can't be manipulated directly in the handlers. If this is required, events must be scheduled first to the UI thread. More...
class  VideoCapturer
 A video capturer implementation that captures video from on of the cameras available on the system. More...
class  VideoCaptureSettings
 Defines the settings passed into the VideoCapturer.UpdateCaptureSettings(ref VideoCaptureSettings) method. More...
class  VideoFrame
 Defines a video frame for the IVideoRenderer.RenderFrame(VideoFrame) and IVideoFrameConsumer.Consume(VideoFrame) methods. More...
class  VideoTransformer
 Defines a video transformation to be used in the Publisher.VideoTransformers array. More...
class  WinFormsDispatcher
 Implementation of IDispatcher that uses the Windows Forms Main/UI thread to dispatch events. Available only for Windows Forms applications. Delivery order is guaranteed. CPU-intensive or long-running tasks should not be executed in the handlers, as they would block the UI thread and affect performance or responsiveness. More...
class  WPFDispatcher
 Implementation of IDispatcher that uses the WPF Main/UI thread to dispatch events. Available only for WPF applications. Delivery order is guaranteed. CPU-intensive or long-running tasks should not be executed in the handlers, as they would block the UI thread and affect performance or responsiveness. More...


enum  ErrorCode : int {
  ErrorCode.UnknownError = -1, ErrorCode.GenericSDKError = 1, ErrorCode.AuthorizationFailure = 1004, ErrorCode.InvalidSessionId = 1005,
  ErrorCode.ConnectionFailed = 1006, ErrorCode.NoMessagingServer = 1503, ErrorCode.ConnectionRefused = 1023, ErrorCode.SessionStateFailed = 1020,
  ErrorCode.P2PSessionMaxParticipants = 1403, ErrorCode.SessionConnectionTimeout = 1021, ErrorCode.SessionInternalError = 2000, ErrorCode.SessionInvalidSignalType = 1461,
  ErrorCode.SessionSignalDataTooLong = 1413, ErrorCode.SessionSignalTypeTooLong = 1414, ErrorCode.ConnectionDropped = 1022, ErrorCode.SessionDisconnected = 1010,
  ErrorCode.PublisherInternalError = 2000, ErrorCode.PublisherWebRTCError = 1610, ErrorCode.PublisherUnableToPublish = 1500, ErrorCode.PublisherUnexpectedPeerConnectionDisconnection = 1710,
  ErrorCode.PublisherCannotAccessCamera = 1650, ErrorCode.PublisherCameraAccessDenied = 1670, ErrorCode.ConnectionTimedOut = 1542, ErrorCode.SubscriberWebRTCError = 1600,
  ErrorCode.SubscriberServerCannotFindStream = 1604, ErrorCode.SubscriberStreamLimitExceeded = 1605, ErrorCode.SubscriberInternalError = 2000, ErrorCode.UnknownPublisherInstance = 2003,
  ErrorCode.UnknownSubscriberInstance = 2004, ErrorCode.SessionNullOrInvalidParameter = 1011, ErrorCode.VideoCaptureFailed = 3000, ErrorCode.CameraFailed = 3010,
  ErrorCode.VideoRenderFailed = 4000, ErrorCode.SessionSubscriberNotFound = 1112, ErrorCode.SessionPublisherNotFound = 1113, ErrorCode.PublisherTimeout = 1541,
  ErrorCode.SessionBlockedCountry = 1026, ErrorCode.SessionConnectionLimitExceeded = 1027, ErrorCode.SessionUnexpectedGetSessionInfoResponse = 2001, ErrorCode.SessionIllegalState = 1015,
  ErrorCode.SessionUnableToForceMute = 1540, ErrorCode.EncryptionSecretMissing = 6000, ErrorCode.EncryptionInternalError = 6001, ErrorCode.DecryptionInternalError = 6002,
  ErrorCode.EncryptionSecretMismatch = 6003, ErrorCode.InvalidEncryptionSecret = 6004, MediaTransformerInternalError = 0x0A000000, MediaTransformerInvalidType,
  MediaTransformerNameNotProvided, MediaTransformerCustomCallbackNotProvided, MediaTransformerPropertiesNotProvided, MediaTransformerModelNotFound,
  MediaTransformerOpenTokTransformersLibraryNotLoaded, MediaTransformerOpenTokTransformersSymbolNotFound, OpenTokTransformersInternalError = 0x0B000000, OpenTokTransformersInvalidParam,
  OpenTokTransformersNameNotProvided, OpenTokTransformersInvalidName, OpenTokTransformersPropertiesNotProvided, OpenTokTransformersInvalidPropertiesFormat,
  OpenTokTransformersModelFileNotFound, OpenTokTransformersRadiusPropertyNotProvided, OpenTokTransformersInvalidRadiusProperty, OpenTokTransformersCustomRadiusPropertyNotProvided,
  OpenTokTransformersInvalidCustomRadiusProperty, OpenTokTransformersImageFilePathPropertyNotProvided, OpenTokTransformersImageFilePathNotFound, OpenTokTransformersMlTransformerInitError
 Defines error code values for OpenTokException objects. More...
enum  VideoContentHint : int { VideoContentHint.NONE = 0, VideoContentHint.MOTION = 1, VideoContentHint.DETAIL = 2, VideoContentHint.TEXT = 3 }
 Defines the settings passed into the VideoCapturer.SetVideoContentHint(VideoContentHint contentHint) method. More...
enum  VideoSourceType : int { VideoSourceType.Camera = 1, VideoSourceType.Screen = 2, VideoSourceType.Custom = 3 }
 Defines options for the Publisher.VideoSourceType property. More...
enum  ICEIncludeServers : int { All = 0, Custom = 1 }
 Defines values for the IncludeServers property of the IceConfig class. More...
enum  ICETransport : int { All = 0, Relayed = 1 }
 Defines values for the TransportPolicy property of the IceConfig class. More...
enum  PixelFormat : int {
  PixelFormat.Unknown = 0, PixelFormat.FormatYuv420p = 1, PixelFormat.FormatNv12 = 2, PixelFormat.FormatNv21 = 3,
  PixelFormat.FormatYuy2 = 4, PixelFormat.FormatUyvy = 5, PixelFormat.FormatArgb32 = 6, PixelFormat.FormatBgra32 = 7,
  PixelFormat.FormatRgb24 = 8, PixelFormat.FormatAbgr32 = 9, PixelFormat.FormatMjpeg = 10, PixelFormat.FormatRgba32 = 11
 The format of a video frame. More...


delegate void OnFrame (IntPtr frame)

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ErrorCode

enum OpenTok.ErrorCode : int

Defines error code values for OpenTokException objects.


Used for an unknown error.


Used for generic error. See provided error description.


An invalid API key or token was provided.


Unable to connect: an invalid session ID was provided.


The session failed to connect.


There was an error connecting to the OpenTok messaging server.


A socket could not be opened to OpenTok the messaging server. Check that outbound ports 443 and 8080 are accessible.


The connection timed out while attempting to get the session's state. Check the network connection.


A peer-to-peer enabled session can only have two participants.


The connection timed out while attempting to connect to the session. Check the network connection.


Internal error connecting to the session. Try connecting again.


Invalid signal type.


Invalid signal – the data string is too long. The maximum length is 8196.


Invalid signal – the type string is too long. The maximum length is 128.


The connection to the OpenTok messaging server was dropped. Check the network connection.


Attempting to publish to a disconnected session.


Internal error when publishing. Try publishing again.


Publisher WebRTC failure.


The publisher is unable to publish.


The PeerConnection for the publisher's stream unexpectedly disconnected.


The publisher cannot access the specified camera.


The user denied access to the camera.


Subscriber timed out while attempting to connect to the stream. Try resubscribing to the stream.


Subscriber WebRTC failure.


The subscriber failed due to the stream being missing. This can happen if the subscriber is created at the same time the stream is removed from the session.


The subscriber failed due to the the limit to the number of subscribers the servers support.


Internal error when subscribing. Try subscribing again.


Cannot unpublish: An unknown Publisher instance was passed into the Session.Unpublish(Publisher) method.


Cannot unsubscribe: An unknown Subscriber instance was passed into the Session.Unsubscribe(Subscriber) method.


You passed an invalid parameter or the Session is null.


There was an error in the video capturer.


There was an error in acquiring video from the camera.


There was an error in the video renderer.


The subscriber is unknown to this session. This is usually the result of calling Session.Unsubscribe(Subscriber) with a subscriber that is not associated with the session.


The publisher is unknown to this session. This is usually the result of calling Session.Unpublish(Publisher) with a publisher that is not publishing a stream to the session.


Timeout while attempting to publish.


Unable to connect to the session. Terms of service violation: export compliance.


The connection failed due to the the limit to the number of connections the servers support.


Unable to connect to the session. Try connecting again.


Unable to connect to a session that is already connected. Or unable to subscribe to a stream that is no longer in the session.


Unable to force mute, perhaps because the client's capabilities are limited.


Tried to join an end-to-end encrypted session without an encryption secret


Internal error while encrypting a packet


Internal error while decrypting a packet


Secret mismatch while decrypting a packet


Invalid encryption secret

◆ ICEIncludeServers

enum OpenTok.ICEIncludeServers : int

Defines values for the IncludeServers property of the IceConfig class.

◆ ICETransport

enum OpenTok.ICETransport : int

Defines values for the TransportPolicy property of the IceConfig class.

◆ PixelFormat

enum OpenTok.PixelFormat : int

The format of a video frame.


Unknown format.












32-bit ARGB


32-bit BGRA


24-bit RGB


32-bit ABGR




32-bit RGBA

◆ VideoContentHint

enum OpenTok.VideoContentHint : int

Defines the settings passed into the VideoCapturer.SetVideoContentHint(VideoContentHint contentHint) method.


No hint is provided (the default).


The track should be treated as if it contains video where motion is important.


The track should be treated as if video details are extra important. For example, you may use this setting for a stream that contains text content, painting, or line art.


The track should be treated as if video details are extra important, and that significant sharp edges and areas of consistent color can occur frequently. For example, you may use this settting for a stream that contains text content.

◆ VideoSourceType

enum OpenTok.VideoSourceType : int

Defines options for the Publisher.VideoSourceType property.


A camera video source.


A screen-sharing video source.


A custom video source. The custom stream video type applies only to Web generated streams.