OpenTok Windows SDK
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 COpenTok.AudioDevice.AudioBusAn audio bus used for all publisher and subscribers. This class is used to both read and write audio samples in order for them to be rendered or sent to remote peers
 COpenTok.AudioDataDefines several parameters related to an audio sample batch
 COpenTok.AudioDeviceA class that includes methods for setting the audio device to be used by publishers and subscribers
 COpenTok.AudioDeviceSettingsDefines the settings retrieved from the IAudioDevice.GetAudioCapturerSettings() and IAudioDevice.GetAudioRendererSettings() methods
 COpenTok.Publisher.AudioNetworkStatsDefines an audio statistics object for the Stats property of a AudioNetworkStatsEventArgs object
 COpenTok.Session.BuilderUsed to create a Session instance
 COpenTok.Publisher.BuilderUsed to create a Publisher instance
 COpenTok.Subscriber.BuilderUsed to create a Subscriber instance
 COpenTok.CapabilitiesDefines values for the Capabilities property of a Session object, based on the role assigned to the token used to connect to the session
 COpenTok.AudioDevice.Notifications.InputAudioDeviceEventArgsContains the arguments for audio input device events
 COpenTok.AudioDevice.Notifications.OutputAudioDeviceEventArgsContains the arguments for audio output device events
 COpenTok.Publisher.AudioLevelArgsDefines arguments for AudioLevel events
 COpenTok.Publisher.AudioNetworkStatsEventArgsDefines arguments for AudioStatsUpdated events
 COpenTok.Publisher.ErrorEventArgsDefines arguments for the Error event
 COpenTok.Publisher.RtcStatsReportArgsDefines arguments for RtcStatsReport events
 COpenTok.Publisher.StreamEventArgsDefines arguments for the StreamCreated and StreamDestroyed events
 COpenTok.Publisher.VideoEventArgsDefines arguments for the VideoEnabled and VideoDisabled events
 COpenTok.Publisher.VideoNetworkStatsEventArgsDefines arguments for VideoStatsUpdated events
 COpenTok.Session.ArchiveStartedEventArgsDefines arguments for the ArchiveStarted event
 COpenTok.Session.ArchiveStoppedEventArgsDefines arguments for the ArchiveStopped event
 COpenTok.Session.ConnectionEventArgsDefines arguments for the ConnectionCreated and ConnectionDroppedevents
 COpenTok.Session.ErrorEventArgsDefines arguments for the Error event
 COpenTok.Session.MuteForcedEventArgsDefines arguments for the MuteForced event
 COpenTok.Session.SignalEventArgsDefines arguments for the Session.Signal event
 COpenTok.Session.StreamEventArgsDefines arguments for the StreamReceived and StreamDropped events
 COpenTok.Subscriber.AudioDataEventArgsDefines parameters for OpenTok.AudioData events
 COpenTok.Subscriber.AudioLevelArgsDefines arguments for AudioLevel events
 COpenTok.Subscriber.AudioNetworkStatsEventArgsDefines arguments for AudioStatsUpdated events
 COpenTok.Subscriber.CaptionTextArgsDefines arguments for CaptionText events
 COpenTok.Subscriber.ErrorEventArgsDefines arguments for the Error event
 COpenTok.Subscriber.RtcStatsReportArgsDefines arguments for RtcStatsReport events
 COpenTok.Subscriber.VideoEventArgsDefines arguments for the VideoEnabled and VideoDisabled events
 COpenTok.Subscriber.VideoNetworkStatsEventArgsDefines arguments for VideoStatsUpdated events
 COpenTok.OpenTokExceptionDefines errors thrown by the OpenTok Windows SDK
 COpenTok.IAudioDeviceDefines an Audio device to be used by all publishers and subscribers
 COpenTok.MMAudioDeviceCustom audio device implementation based on mmdeviceapi. This custom audio device can be used instead of the default internal audio device provided by OpenTok.AudioDevice
 COpenTok.IceConfigA class for setting custom ICE configuration
 COpenTok.IceServerDefines the object to add to the List for the CustomIceServers property of the IceConfig class
 COpenTok.ICustomAudioTransformerInterface used to define a custom audio transformer to be used in the AudioTransformer(string name, ICustomAudioTransformer transformer) constructor
 COpenTok.ICustomVideoTransformerInterface used to define a custom vidoe transformer to be used in used in the VideoTransformer.VideoTransformer(string name, ICustomVideoTransformer transformer) constructor
 COpenTok.IDispatcherInterface for a class used by Session, Publisher, and Subscriber instances to schedule events to a different thread
 COpenTok.DedicatedWorkerDispatcherImplementation of IDispatcher that uses a dedicated worker thread to deliver events. Available for all application types. Delivery order is guaranteed. CPU-intensive or long-running tasks can be executed in the handlers, as the dedicated thread is not used for any other purpose. UI can't be manipulated directly in the handlers. If this is required, events must be scheduled first to the UI thread
 COpenTok.DirectDispatcherImplementation of IDispatcher that doesn't schedule events at all. It uses the same thread used by the lower layer to deliver events. Available for all application types. Delivery order is guaranteed. CPU-intensive or long-running tasks should not be executed in the handlers, as they would block the native API main thread and affect performance or responsiveness. UI can't be manipulated directly in the handlers. If this is required, events must be scheduled first to the UI thread
 COpenTok.ThreadPoolDispatcherImplementation of IDispatcher that uses different threads from the managed ThreadPool to deliver events. Available for all application types. Important: Delivery order is not guaranteed. CPU-intensive or long-running tasks can be executed in the handlers, as the underlying thread system is prepared to handle this. UI can't be manipulated directly in the handlers. If this is required, events must be scheduled first to the UI thread
 COpenTok.WinFormsDispatcherImplementation of IDispatcher that uses the Windows Forms Main/UI thread to dispatch events. Available only for Windows Forms applications. Delivery order is guaranteed. CPU-intensive or long-running tasks should not be executed in the handlers, as they would block the UI thread and affect performance or responsiveness
 COpenTok.WPFDispatcherImplementation of IDispatcher that uses the WPF Main/UI thread to dispatch events. Available only for WPF applications. Delivery order is guaranteed. CPU-intensive or long-running tasks should not be executed in the handlers, as they would block the UI thread and affect performance or responsiveness
 COpenTok.AudioDevice.NotificationsRepresents a subscription to system audio device notifications. This object sends events when a system input or output audio device is added or removed, and when the default system input or output audio device changes. This instance can be disposed when no longer used to release unmanaged resources
 COpenTok.AudioTransformerDefines an audio transformation to be used in the Publisher.AudioTransformers array
 COpenTok.ConnectionRepresents a connection between a client and an OpenTok session
 COpenTok.ContextUsed to manage resources for Session, Publisher, and Subscriber objects
 COpenTok.DedicatedWorkerDispatcherImplementation of IDispatcher that uses a dedicated worker thread to deliver events. Available for all application types. Delivery order is guaranteed. CPU-intensive or long-running tasks can be executed in the handlers, as the dedicated thread is not used for any other purpose. UI can't be manipulated directly in the handlers. If this is required, events must be scheduled first to the UI thread
 COpenTok.MMAudioDeviceCustom audio device implementation based on mmdeviceapi. This custom audio device can be used instead of the default internal audio device provided by OpenTok.AudioDevice
 COpenTok.PublisherA publisher captures an audio-video stream from the sources you specify
 COpenTok.SessionRepresents an OpenTok session in which the client is participating
 COpenTok.StreamRepresents the state of an audio-video stream in an OpenTok session. To get the most updated information, use the Stream property of a Publisher or Subscriber before accessing any of the properties of the stream
 COpenTok.SubscriberUsed to consume an audio-video stream in the OpenTok session
 COpenTok.VideoCapturerA video capturer implementation that captures video from on of the cameras available on the system
 COpenTok.VideoCapturer.VideoDeviceDefines a video device (such as a camera)
 COpenTok.VideoFrameDefines a video frame for the IVideoRenderer.RenderFrame(VideoFrame) and IVideoFrameConsumer.Consume(VideoFrame) methods
 COpenTok.VideoTransformerDefines a video transformation to be used in the Publisher.VideoTransformers array
 COpenTok.AudioDevice.InputAudioDeviceRepresents an input audio device (such as a microphone) available on the Windows system. See EnumerateInputAudioDevices and SetInputAudioDevice
 COpenTok.VideoCapturerA video capturer implementation that captures video from on of the cameras available on the system
 COpenTok.IVideoFrameConsumerDefines a video frame consumer to be used by the VideoCapturer of a Publisher
 COpenTok.IVideoRendererDefines a video renderer to be used by a Publisher or Subscriber object
 COpenTok.AudioDevice.OutputAudioDeviceRepresents an output audio device (such as headphones or speakers) available on the Windows system. See EnumerateOutputAudioDevices and SetOutputAudioDevice
 COpenTok.Publisher.PublisherRtcStatsRepresents RTC statistics for a media stream published by the publisher
 COpenTok.VideoCaptureSettingsDefines the settings passed into the VideoCapturer.UpdateCaptureSettings(ref VideoCaptureSettings) method
 COpenTok.VideoCapturer.VideoFormatDefines a video format available to a video device
 COpenTok.Publisher.VideoNetworkStatsDefines a video statistics object for the Stats property of a VideoNetworkStatsEventArgs object