Enum OpentokError.ErrorCode

    • Enum Constant Detail

      • AuthorizationFailure

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode AuthorizationFailure
        An invalid API key or token was provided.
      • InvalidSessionId

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode InvalidSessionId
        Unable to connect: an invalid session ID was provided.
      • ConnectionFailed

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode ConnectionFailed
        The session failed to connect.
      • NoMessagingServer

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode NoMessagingServer
        There was an error connecting to the OpenTok messaging server.
      • ConnectionRefused

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode ConnectionRefused
        A socket could not be opened to OpenTok the messaging server. Check that outbound ports 443 and 8080 are accessible.
      • SessionStateFailed

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode SessionStateFailed
        The connection timed out while attempting to get the session's state. Check the network connection.
      • P2PSessionMaxParticipants

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode P2PSessionMaxParticipants
        A peer-to-peer enabled session can only have two participants.
      • SessionConnectionTimeout

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode SessionConnectionTimeout
        The connection timed out while attempting to connect to the session. Check the network connection.
      • SessionInternalError

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode SessionInternalError
        Internal error connecting to the session. Try connecting again.
      • SessionInvalidSignalType

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode SessionInvalidSignalType
        Invalid signal type.
      • SessionSignalDataTooLong

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode SessionSignalDataTooLong
        Invalid signal -- the data string is too long (maximum length 8196).
      • SessionSignalTypeTooLong

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode SessionSignalTypeTooLong
        Invalid signal -- the type string is too long (maximum length 128).
      • SessionUnableToForceMute

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode SessionUnableToForceMute
        Unable to force mute -- perhaps because the client's capabilities are limited.
      • ConnectionDropped

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode ConnectionDropped
        The connection to the OpenTok messaging server was dropped. Check the network connection.
      • SessionDisconnected

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode SessionDisconnected
        Attempting to publish to a disconnected session.
      • PublisherInternalError

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode PublisherInternalError
        Internal error when publishing. Try publishing again.
      • PublisherWebRTCError

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode PublisherWebRTCError
        Subscriber WebRTC failure. Call the getMessage() method for more details.
      • PublisherUnexpectedPeerConnectionDisconnection

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode PublisherUnexpectedPeerConnectionDisconnection
      • ConnectionTimedOut

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode ConnectionTimedOut
        Subscriber timed out while attempting to connect to the stream. Try resubscribing to the stream.
      • SubscriberWebRTCError

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode SubscriberWebRTCError
        Subscriber WebRTC failure. Call the getMessage() method for more details.
      • SubscriberServerCannotFindStream

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode SubscriberServerCannotFindStream
        The subscriber failed due to the stream being missing. This can happen if the subscriber is created at the same time the stream is removed from the session.
      • SubscriberStreamLimitExceeded

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode SubscriberStreamLimitExceeded
        The client tried to subscribe to a stream in a session that has exceeded the limit for simultaneous streams.
      • SubscriberInternalError

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode SubscriberInternalError
        Internal error when subscribing. Try subscribing again.
      • UnknownPublisherInstance

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode UnknownPublisherInstance
        Cannot unpublish: An unknown Publisher instance was passed into the Session.unpublish() method.
      • UnknownSubscriberInstance

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode UnknownSubscriberInstance
        Cannot unsubscribe: An unknown Subscriber instance was passed into the Session.unsubscribe() method.
      • SessionNullOrInvalidParameter

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode SessionNullOrInvalidParameter
        You passed an invalid parameter or the Session is null.
      • VideoCaptureFailed

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode VideoCaptureFailed
        There was an error in the video capturer.
      • CameraFailed

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode CameraFailed
        There was an error in acquiring video from the camera.
      • VideoRenderFailed

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode VideoRenderFailed
        There was an error in the video renderer.
      • PublisherTimeout

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode PublisherTimeout
        Timeout while attempting to publish.
      • SessionBlockedCountry

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode SessionBlockedCountry
        Unable to connect to the session. Terms of service violation: export compliance.
      • SessionConnectionLimitExceeded

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode SessionConnectionLimitExceeded
        The client tried to connect to a session that has exceeded the limit for simultaneous connections.
      • SessionUnexpectedGetSessionInfoResponse

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode SessionUnexpectedGetSessionInfoResponse
        Unable to connect to the session. Try connecting again.
      • SessionIllegalState

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode SessionIllegalState
        Unable to connect to a session that is already connected. Or unable to subscribe to a stream that is no longer in the session.
      • EncryptionSecretMissing

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode EncryptionSecretMissing
        Tried to join an end-to-end encrypted session without an encryption secret
      • EncryptionInternalError

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode EncryptionInternalError
        Internal error while encrypting a packet
      • DecryptionInternalError

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode DecryptionInternalError
        Internal error while decrypting a packet
      • EncryptionSecretMismatch

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode EncryptionSecretMismatch
        Secret mismatch while decrypting a packet
      • InvalidEncryptionSecret

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode InvalidEncryptionSecret
        Invalid encryption secret
      • MediaTransformerCustomCallbackNotProvided

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode MediaTransformerCustomCallbackNotProvided
      • MediaTransformerPropertiesNotProvided

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode MediaTransformerPropertiesNotProvided
      • MediaTransformerOpenTokTransformersLibraryNotLoaded

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode MediaTransformerOpenTokTransformersLibraryNotLoaded
      • MediaTransformerOpenTokTransformersSymbolNotFound

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode MediaTransformerOpenTokTransformersSymbolNotFound
      • OpenTokTransformersInternalError

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode OpenTokTransformersInternalError
      • OpenTokTransformersNameNotProvided

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode OpenTokTransformersNameNotProvided
      • OpenTokTransformersPropertiesNotProvided

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode OpenTokTransformersPropertiesNotProvided
      • OpenTokTransformersInvalidPropertiesFormat

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode OpenTokTransformersInvalidPropertiesFormat
      • OpenTokTransformersModelFileNotFound

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode OpenTokTransformersModelFileNotFound
      • OpenTokTransformersRadiusPropertyNotProvided

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode OpenTokTransformersRadiusPropertyNotProvided
      • OpenTokTransformersInvalidRadiusProperty

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode OpenTokTransformersInvalidRadiusProperty
      • OpenTokTransformersCustomRadiusPropertyNotProvided

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode OpenTokTransformersCustomRadiusPropertyNotProvided
      • OpenTokTransformersInvalidCustomRadiusProperty

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode OpenTokTransformersInvalidCustomRadiusProperty
      • OpenTokTransformersImageFilePathPropertyNotProvided

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode OpenTokTransformersImageFilePathPropertyNotProvided
      • OpenTokTransformersImageFilePathNotFound

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode OpenTokTransformersImageFilePathNotFound
      • OpenTokTransformersMlTransformerInitError

        public static final OpentokError.ErrorCode OpenTokTransformersMlTransformerInitError
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static OpentokError.ErrorCode[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (OpentokError.ErrorCode c : OpentokError.ErrorCode.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static OpentokError.ErrorCode valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • getErrorCode

        public int getErrorCode()
        Returns errorCode.