Props | Session options | Methods | Events
component manages the connection to an OpenTok Session. It passes the
session ID to the
property to its child components. To disconnect the session, unmount
component. To publish and subscribe, you must nest
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
isConnected: false,
this.otSessionRef = React.createRef();
this.sessionEventHandlers = {
streamCreated: event => {
console.log('Stream created!', event);
streamDestroyed: event => {
console.log('Stream destroyed!', event);
sessionConnected: event => {
isConnected: true,
sendSignal = () => {
if (this.state.isConnected) {
data: 'hello',
to: '6d26ca65-24c9-45df-b827-424e9952dece', // optional - connection ID of client to recieve the signal
type: 'greeting', // optional
render() {
return (
<OTSession apiKey="your-api-key" sessionId="your-session-id" token="your-session-token" eventHandlers={this.sesssionEventHandlers} ref={this.otSessionRef}>
<OTPublisher style={{ width: 100, height: 100 }}/>
<OTSubscriber style={{ width: 100, height: 100 }} />
You can set the session options using the
class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.sessionOptions = {
connectionEventsSuppressed: true, // default is false
androidZOrder: '', // Android only - valid options are 'mediaOverlay' or 'onTop'
androidOnTop: '', // Android only - valid options are 'publisher' or 'subscriber'
useTextureViews: true, // Android only - default is false
ipWhitelist: false, // (/developer/sdks/js/reference/OT.html#initSession - ipWhitelist
enableStereoOutput: true // Enable stereo output, default is false
enableSinglePeerConnection: true // Enable single peer connection, default is false
transportPolicy: 'all', // Valid options are 'all' or 'relay'. Default is 'all'
includeServers: 'all', // Valid options are 'all' or 'custom'. Default is 'all'
customServers: [
urls: [
username: 'webrtc',
credential: 'foO0Bar1'
render() {
return (
<OTSession apiKey="your-api-key" sessionId="your-session-id" token="your-session-token" options={this.sessionOptions}>
<OTPublisher style={{ width: 100, height: 100 }}/>
<OTSubscriber style={{ width: 100, height: 100 }} />
Please note that all session options are optional. See Session options .
The OTSession object has the following props:
apiKey (String, required) -- Deprecated. Replaced by the applicationId prop.
applicationId (String, required) -- The Vonage application ID. This is a beta feature, replacing the apiKey prop.
sessionId (String, required) -- The OpenTok session ID.
token (String, required) -- The OpenTok token for the client.
options (Object, optional) -- Used to define session options. See Session options .
signal (Object, optional) -- Used to send a signal to the session
eventHandlers (Object, optional) -- An object containing key-value pairs of event names and callback functions for event handlers. See Events .
encryptionSecret (String, optional) -- The encryption secret to use for all streams the client publishes and subscribes to (in a session that uses end-to-end encryption). See the end-to-end encryption developer guide .
prop of the OTSession component has the following properties (each of
which is optional):
androidZOrder (String) -- Set to "mediaOverlay" or "onTop". Android only.
androidOnTop (String) -- Set to "publisher" | "subscriber". Android only.
(Boolean) -- Whether to prevent
event from being dispatched. You may want to suppress these events in
large sessions, such as those used for
live interactive video broadcasts
. The default value is false.
enableStereoOutput (Boolean) -- Whether to enable stereo output. The default value is false.
(Boolean) -- Set to
to have the client use a single peer connection. The default value is
. Note that this feature is only available in routed sessions. For
more information, see
this documentation
iceConfig (Object) -- Settings for using the configurable TURN feature . This feature is available as an add-on feature .
This object has the following properties:
(String) Whether the client should use your TURN servers
exclusively ('custom') or use them in addition to the
OpenTok TURN servers ('all').
'all' | 'relay';
(Array) -- An array of objects defining custom TURN servers to
use. Each object has the following properties:
(Array of strings) -- The URLs of the TURN server.
(String, optional) -- The user name.
: (String, optional) -- The credential for the TURN server.
ipWhitelist (Boolean) -- Whether to use the allowed IP list feature. This is available as an add-on feature The default value is false.
isCamera2Capable (Boolean) -- Deprecated and ignored. Android only.
proxyUrl (String, optional) -- The proxy URL to use for the session. This is an add-on feature feature. See the OpenTok IP Proxy developer guide.
(Boolean) -- Set to
to use texture views. The default is
. Android only.
disableForceMute() Disables the active mute state of the session. After you call this method, new streams published to the session will no longer have audio muted.
After you call to the Session.forceMuteAll() method (or a moderator in
another client makes a call to mute all streams), any streams
published after the moderation call are published with audio muted.
Call the
method to remove the mute state of a session (so that new published
streams are not automatically muted).
Check the
property of the object returned by
to see if you can call this function successfully. This is reserved
for clients that have connected with a token that has been assigned
the moderator role (see the
Token Creation documentation
getSessionInfo() Returns an object with the following properties:
(String) -- The session ID.
(Object) -- An object defining the local client's connection
to the session. This includes the following properties:
(String) -- The local client's connection ID.
(String) -- The time the connection was created.
(String) -- The
connection data
for the local client.
getCapabilities() Indicates whether the client can publish and subscribe to streams in the session, , based on the roles assigned to the client token used to connect to the session. The method returns a Promise that resolves with an object with the following properties:
(Boolean) -- Whether the client can force mute streams in the
session or disable the active mute state in a session (
) or not (
(Boolean) -- Whether the client can publish streams to the session
) or not (
(Boolean) -- Whether the client can subscribe to streams in the
session (
) or not (
The promise is rejected if you have not connected to the session and
event has been dispatched.
For more information, see the OpenTok token documentation .
reportIssue() Lets you report that your app experienced an issue (to view with Inspector or to discuss with the Vonage API support team.) The method returns a Promise that resolves with a string, the issue ID.
forceMuteAll() Forces all publishers in the session (except for those publishing excluded streams) to mute audio.
This method has one optional parameter --
, and array of stream IDs. A stream published by the moderator calling
the forceMuteAll() method is muted along with other streams in the
session, unless you add the moderator's stream (or streams) to the
array. If you leave out the
parameter, all streams in the session (including those of the
moderator) will stop publishing audio. Also, any streams that are
published after the call to the
method are published with audio muted. You can remove the mute state
of a session by calling the
After you call the
method, new streams published to the session will no longer have audio
muted. Calling this method causes the Publisher objects in the clients
publishing the streams to dispatch muteForced events. Also, the
Session object in each client connected to the session dispatches the
muteForced event (with the active property of the event object set to
Check the
property of the object returned by
to see if you can call this function successfully. This is reserved
for clients that have connected with a token that has been assigned
the moderator role (see the
Token Creation documentation
forceMuteStream() Forces a the publisher of a specified stream to mute its audio. Pass the stream ID of the stream in as a parameter.
Check the
property of the object returned by
to see if you can call this function successfully. This is reserved
for clients that have connected with a token that has been assigned
the moderator role (see the
Token Creation documentation
Sends a signal to clients connected to the session. The method has one
parameter, an object that includes the following properties, each of
which is optional (although you usually want to set the
(String) -- The connection ID of the client to send the signal to.
If this is omitted, the signal is sent to all clients connected to
the session.
(string) -- The signal type.
(string) -- The signal data.
For more information, see the OpenTok signaling developer guide
archiveStarted (Object) — Sent when an archive recording of a session starts. If you connect to a session in which recording is already in progress, this message is sent when you connect. An ArchiveEvent object is passed into the event handler.
archiveStopped (String) — Sent when an archive recording of a session stops. An ArchiveEvent object is passed into the event handler.
connectionCreated (Object) — Sent when another client connects to the session. The connection object represents the client’s connection. A ConnectionCreatedEvent object is passed into the event handler.
connectionDestroyed -- Sent when another client disconnects from the session. The connection object represents the connection that the client had to the session. A ConnectionDestroyedEvent object is passed into the event handler.
error (Object) — Sent if the attempt to connect to the session fails or if the connection to the session drops due to an error after a successful connection. An ErrorEvent object is passed into the event handler.
-- Sent when a moderator has forced clients publishing streams to the
session to mute audio (the
property of this
object is set to
), or a moderator has disabled the mute audio state in the session
(the active property of this
object is set to
). An
object is passed into the event handler.
otrnError -- Sent if there is an error with the communication between the native session instance and the JS component.
sessionConnected -- Sent when the client connects to the session. A SessionConnectEvent object is passed into the event handler.
sessionDisconnected -- Sent when the client disconnects from the session. A SessionDisconnectEvent object is passed into the event handler.
sessionReconnected -- Sent when the local client has reconnected to the OpenTok session after its network connection was lost temporarily.
-- Sent when the local client has lost its connection to an OpenTok
session and is trying to reconnect. This results from a loss in
network connectivity. If the client can reconnect to the session, the
message is sent. Otherwise, if the client cannot reconnect, the
message is sent.
signal -- Sent when a signal is received in the session. A SignalEvent object is passed into the event handler.
streamCreated -- Sent when a new stream is created in this session. A StreamCreatedEvent object is passed into the event handler.
streamDestroyed -- Sent when a stream is no longer published to the session. A StreamDestroyedEvent object is passed into the event handler.
streamPropertyChanged -- Sent when a stream has started or stopped publishing audio or video or if the video dimensions of the stream have changed. A StreamPropertyChangedEvent object is passed into the event handler.