Class: SessionConnectEvent

The Session object dispatches SessionConnectEvent object when a session has successfully connected in response to a call to the connect() method of the Session object.

In version 2.2, the completionHandler of the Session.connect() method indicates success or failure in connecting to the session.


Name Type Description
connections Array Deprecated in version 2.2 (and set to an empty array). In version 2.2, listen for the connectionCreated event dispatched by the Session object. In version 2.2, the Session object dispatches a connectionCreated event for each connection (including your own). This includes connections present when you first connect to the session.
streams Array Deprecated in version 2.2 (and set to an empty array). In version 2.2, listen for the streamCreated event dispatched by the Session object. In version 2.2, the Session object dispatches a streamCreated event for each stream other than those published by your client. This includes streams present when you first connect to the session.


Name Description
isDefaultPrevented() → {Boolean} Whether the default event behavior has been prevented via a call to preventDefault() (true) or not (false).
preventDefault() Prevents the default behavior associated with the event from taking place.

isDefaultPrevented() → {Boolean}

Whether the default event behavior has been prevented via a call to preventDefault() (true) or not (false). See preventDefault().


Prevents the default behavior associated with the event from taking place.

To see whether an event has a default behavior, check the cancelable property of the event object.

Call the preventDefault() method in the callback function for the event.

The following events have default behaviors: