Class: Capabilities

A class defining properties of the capabilities property of a Session object. See Session.capabilities.

All Capabilities properties are undefined until you have connected to a session and the Session object has dispatched the sessionConnected event.

For more information on token roles, see the Token Creation Overview.


Name Type Description
forceDisconnect Number Specifies whether you can call the Session.forceDisconnect() method (1) or not (0). To call the Session.forceDisconnect() method, the user must have a token that is assigned the role of moderator.
forceUnpublish Number Specifies whether you can call the Session.forceUnpublish() method (1) or not (0). To call the Session.forceUnpublish() method, the user must have a token that is assigned the role of moderator.
forceMute Number Specifies whether you can call the Session.forceMuteStream(), Session.forceMuteAll(), or Session.disableForceMute()methods (1) or not (0). To call these methods, the user must have a token that is assigned the role of moderator.
publish Number Specifies whether you can publish to the session (1) or not (0). The ability to publish is based on a few factors. To publish, the user must have a token that is assigned a role that supports publishing. There must be a connected camera and microphone.
subscribe Number Specifies whether you can subscribe to streams in the session (1) or not (0).