Class: AudioLevelUpdatedEvent

Dispatched periodically by a Subscriber or Publisher object to indicate the audio level. This event is dispatched up to 60 times per second, depending on the browser.


Name Type Description
audioLevel Number The audio level, from 0 to 1.0. Adjust this value logarithmically for use in adjusting a user interface element, such as a volume meter. Use a moving average to smooth the data.


Name Description
isDefaultPrevented() → {Boolean} Whether the default event behavior has been prevented via a call to preventDefault() (true) or not (false).
preventDefault() Prevents the default behavior associated with the event from taking place.

isDefaultPrevented() → {Boolean}

Whether the default event behavior has been prevented via a call to preventDefault() (true) or not (false). See preventDefault().


Prevents the default behavior associated with the event from taking place.

To see whether an event has a default behavior, check the cancelable property of the event object.

Call the preventDefault() method in the callback function for the event.

The following events have default behaviors: