Source: nexmoClientError.js

'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.NexmoApiError = exports.NexmoClientError = void 0;
 * Nexmo Client SDK
 *  Nexmo Client - API Error wrapper
 * Copyright (c) Nexmo Inc.
const NexmoClientErrorTypes = require('./nexmoClientErrorTypes');
const loglevel_1 = require("loglevel");
function decorateError(instance, error) {
    var _a, _b;
    if (error === null || error === void 0 ? void 0 : error.code) {
        error.type = error.code;
        delete error['code'];
    Object.assign(instance, error);
    instance.message = 'type: ' + instance.type + ', description: ' + ((_b = (_a = instance.description) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : instance.detail) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : '');
 * Error constructor of an NexmoClient-error
 * @param {string} errorInput String client error
class NexmoClientError {
    constructor(errorInput) {
        const error = NexmoClientErrorTypes[errorInput];
        // for other errors (libs/browser APIs) re-use the Client error
        // to forward it but don't throw it away
        if (error) {
            // if error type exists in our list keep consistency
            decorateError(this, error);
        else {
            // if the structure is not as expected, f/w as much as we can get
            this.message = errorInput && errorInput.message ? errorInput.message : errorInput;
            this.stack = errorInput.stack;
        // log error
        this.log = loglevel_1.getLogger(;
        // make sure the matches the class name = 'NexmoClientError';
        if (typeof global.NXMbugsnagClient !== 'undefined') {
            global.NXMbugsnagClient.notify(this, {
                severity: 'info'
exports.NexmoClientError = NexmoClientError;
 * Error constructor of an API-error
 * @param {object} error API error, always containing {type: <string>}
class NexmoApiError {
    constructor(errorInput) {
        this.log = loglevel_1.getLogger(;
        if (errorInput) {
            decorateError(this, errorInput);
        else {
            // if the structure is not as expected, f/w as much as we can get
            this.message = errorInput && errorInput.message ? errorInput.message : errorInput;
            this.stack = errorInput && errorInput.stack ? errorInput.stack : new Error().stack;
        } = 'NexmoApiError';
        // log error
        this.log = loglevel_1.getLogger(;
        if (typeof global.NXMbugsnagClient !== 'undefined') {
            global.NXMbugsnagClient.notify(this, {
                severity: 'info'
exports.NexmoApiError = NexmoApiError;
module.exports = {
    NexmoClientError: NexmoClientError,
    NexmoApiError: NexmoApiError